Friday, July 16, 2010

In Limbo

I am still in limbo. I am waiting for money, handicap placard, and food stamps. I know that my Catastrophic Leave period ends today. Catastrophic Leave is a donation program established by the County (where I work). If you qualify, the department sends out a notice for you that you are on it and people donate their hours to you so that you're not off the books and you get some money. It's anonymous so these people get nothing in return. The donation period ends today. If I have received 80 hours from people, they will cut me a check. I'm crossing my fingers, but I know that in this economy, people need all of their time and money.

It has been really hot here this week - in the mid 90's. Because of that, I haven't attempted to get to my car at all. My mom is still looking for a knee walker for me via craigslist so I can get to my car and GET TO WORK. Those things are really expensive though. I'm tired of all the money that's getting thrown into this injury with no actual money coming in.



  1. What is your price range for a knee walker? I found one for you on ebay for $173 plus free shipping??

  2. A bit less than that. My mom found these knee scooters now so she's trying to find me one of those. I'll post a link. Problem is, they don't really fold down that well to get into the car.


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